Walden Academy Charter School Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Date: Monday, June 24th Time: 5:00pm Location: Walden Academy (Room 2) Address: 1149 W. Wood St. Willows, CA 95988
Walden Academy Charter School invites parents, guardians, students, staff, and community members to attend a public hearing to review and provide input on the school’s Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), including budget, for the 2024-2025 school year.
The LCAP is a critical document that outlines our goals, actions, and expenditures to support student achievement and address the needs of all students, especially English learners, foster youth, and low-income students.
Purpose of the Public Hearing:
- To present the proposed LCAP for the 2024-2025 school year.
- To gather feedback and suggestions from the community.
- To ensure transparency and community involvement in the planning process.
How to Participate:
- In-person: Attend the hearing at Walden Academy Room 2 on June 24, 2024 at 5:00pm.
- Written Comments: Submit written comments or questions to nmichaud@waldenacademy.orgby 1:00pm on 6/24/24.
Your input is valuable to us. Please join us in shaping the future of our school and ensuring that every student has the opportunity to succeed.
For more information, please contact Amber Calonico acalonico@waldenacademy or at (530)361-6480.
We look forward to your participation.
Parents Make a Difference!Top of Page
Talking with your elementary and middle schooler
is an effective way to
build thinking skills—especially if
you ask certain kinds of questions.
build thinking skills—especially if
you ask certain kinds of questions.
To learn more about parent to student communications or to view the full newsletters Click Below.
Office Hours:Top of Page
During the school year, the office will be open Monday through Friday, 7:30 - 4:00.
Walden Academy is offering short-term independent study if your child is in quarantine, ill or if you are out of town. Please call the office at 361-6480 with any questions.
coronavirus informationTop of Page
2023-2024 Safe Return to In-Person Instruction - Updated 08/28/23
Dear Families,
Walden Academy is commited to the safety and health of our students and staff. We are monitoring the CDC website for COVID regulations and are in contact with the Glenn County Health Department. We will provide further updates and guidance as needed.
2022-2023 Safe Return to In-Person Instruction - Updated 1/23/2023
Dear Families,
I know many of you have concerns about the Coronavirus. We are monitoring the CDC website and are in contact with the Glenn County Health Department. Please read the recent Press Release from the Glenn County Health and Human Services.
For additional information about the Coronavirus, you may contact the Glenn County Office of Education Nurse for Walden Academy at 865-1267 ext. 2092.
Other Links:
AnnouncementsTop of Page

Talking with your elementary
schooler and middle schooler is an effective way to
build thinking skills—especially if
you ask certain kinds of questions.
Experts recognize six categories
of thinking skills.
schooler and middle schooler is an effective way to
build thinking skills—especially if
you ask certain kinds of questions.
Experts recognize six categories
of thinking skills.
To Learn more about parent to student communications or to view the six categories click on the pictures above for the full newsletters!